To utilize this deceive, you have to have a bmp record. On the off chance that your picture is of whatever viable organization, you can spare it in bmp arrangement utilizing MS Paint or Irfan View(to download Irfan View, visit 5 Essential Freewares for your PC).
Click on Start.
Click on Run.
Sort "regedit" in the dialog box without quotes.
Explore to Hkey_users\.default\control Panel\desktop.
In the right hand sheet, twofold click on the quality Wallpaper.
In the Value Data choice, enter the full way to your bmp document you need to be your wallpaper. Case: For a record named image.bmp put in Windows envelope, sort "C:\windows\image.bmp" without the quotes.
Twofold click on Wallpaper Style, and transform its esteem to 2 to get an extended picture.
Presently that you have the bmp record, take after the steps given beneath.
When the progressions are connected, each one time you begin your PC , you will see the log on wallpaper. To undiscovered the trap, essentially erase the location to your picture in Step 5.